Comparison - Marketplace

Issue Checklist for Jira is now Checklist for Jira. New name, same great app. Please go here to see our new documentation site.

Comparison - Marketplace

Information from this table was taken from available documentation. Please report any inaccuracies to our help desk.

Smart Checklist for Jira. Pro

Multiple Checklists for Jira

Smart Checklist for Jira. Pro

Multiple Checklists for Jira

Users allowed to work with checklist

All Jira users

All Jira users

All Jira users

All Jira users

Checklist items





Number of checklist items allowed

no limit

no limit

no limit

no limit

Add/edit/delete/toggle/reorder items

Mandatory and optional items

Toggle all items in one click

Toggle all items to destination status in one click

Copy/paste all items button/link 

Copy/paste lists from HTML or Word

Convert item to Jira issue

Convert item to Jira subtask

Hide completed items to shorten the list

Statuses for items / custom statuses





Description/details for items

Assign or mention user / user picker





User mention can send email

Items with mention listed in user profile

Dates in checklist items / date picker





Markdown in items (bold, italic, etc.)

Markdown editor for checklist / WYSIWYG



Clone checklist when issue is cloned 

Not in Team-Managed Projects

Concurrent checklist editing 

Multiple checklists 


Global Checklists




Live, admin-controlled, global checklists






Number of checklist templates allowed

no limit

no limit

no limit

no limit

Add/edit/rename/delete/load template

Default template for a project / issue type





Templates listed in dialog / separate page





Jira mobile app




Full support/presence in Jira mobile app

Jira Service Desk integration




Checklist available for Service Desk agents

Checklist progress visible for Service Desk customers

Read-only checklist visible in Service Desk customers

Other features




Built-in transition validator

Built-in post functions (set all items as complete / modify checklist)




Custom fields integration (API, automation, history) / Enabled by default or with one-click 



Checklist Progress only

Search basic-quick / JQL





History built-in / with search





Permissions to add/edit/toggle/delete item

Configuration options




Enable for individual projects

Enable/Disable statuses dropdown

Enable/Disable statuses per project

Customize statuses

Customize permissions

Set checklist location 

Pin data residency location


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