Checklist Names, Headers and Separators

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Checklist Names, Headers and Separators


Changing the Checklist Name

Checklist for Jira PRO enterprise allow you to change the name of the checklist panel:

  1. Navigate to Jira settings > Apps and select Global Settings under the Checklist for Jira heading.

  2. Use the Main title dropdown to select the appropriate name. Options are:

  1. Acceptance criteria

  2. Checklist

  3. Definition of done

  4. Success criteria

  5. Testing notes



Headers/Separators can be used to divide a checklist into parts. To create header:

  • Type the header text into the checklist input field and then click on

  • Alternatively, you can create a header by typing the header text, proceeded by three dashes --- into the checklist input field.



If you are using Checklist for Jira free a separator will count towards the limit of 20 items. As a work around, you can create multiple checklists as described below.

Multiple Checklists

You can also create multiple checklists, each with its own name and progress bar, on a single issue.

To create additional checklists on an issue:

  1. Navigate to Jira settings > Apps and select Global Settings under the Issue Checklist heading.

  2. Ensure the Enable multiple checklists per issue toggle is on.

  3. Go to the Jira issue and click on the + button on the checklist panel to add another checklist

By default, the additional checklists will be named Checklist #2, Checklist #3, etc. Clicking on the name will open the field so you can rename the list. Once additional checklists have been added you can also rename the default checklist.

Limits of Checklist for Jira Free

Checklist for Jira Free has a limit to the total number of checklist items per issue (as explained here). The limit applies to the total number of items in the issue, regardless of how the items are distributed across multiple checklists.



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