Configure Project Settings

Issue Checklist for Jira is now Checklist for Jira. New name, same great app. Please go here to see our new documentation site.

Configure Project Settings


Enable/Disable Checklists on a Project

Project Administrators can enable or disable Checklist for Jira for a given project. This will override the global setting.

To enable/disable Checklist for Jira on a specific project, log in as a Project Administrator and go to Project Settings > Checklist for Jira. Use the toggle to enable/disable Checklists on the project.

Alternatively, go to Project Settings > Summary and use the toggle to enable/disable checklists on the project.


Note that you can also control which users and groups can view and access checklists via permissions.

Enable Checklists in the JSM Portal Pro enterprise

If Issue Checklist for Jira is enabled in a Service Management project, agents will be able to see and work with the checklist in the same way as in other types of Jira projects. With Issue Checklist for Jira PRO you can display checklist progress, as well as a read-only copy of the checklist on the customer portal.

Show Checklist Progress

To show checklist progress on the JSM portal, navigate to Project settings > Checklist for Jira. Use the toggle to enable Checklist Progress on the JSM portal. Once enabled, the progress of the checklist will be visible by default to JSM customers. (The checklist progress bar is not visible for an empty checklist.) The checklist menu gives agents the option to override this setting on individual JSM requests.

Show Checklists

To show checklist progress on the JSM portal, navigate to Project settings > Checklist for Jira. Use the toggle to make a read-only copy of the checklist visible on the JSM portal. (The checklist panel is not visible for an empty checklist.) 

The checklist menu gives agents the option to override this setting on individual JSM requests.

Note that when this feature is enabled a people icon will be displayed on the agent view to alert agents that information in the checklist is visible to customers.

Set Default Checklist per Request Type

You can set a Default Template that will be automatically added whenever a request of the indicated request type is created. Default Templates are defined per project and request type, allowing you to set different default templates for each type within each project. 

To set a default template:

  1. Navigate to the templates page either by selecting Checklist from the left project nav bar or by selecting Manage templates from the menu for the Checklist.

  2. Click Set default for the appropriate template.

  3. Select the Issue types and/or request types you want the template to be applied to.


  • Note that cloned checklist takes precedence over a default checklist. If an issue with a checklist is cloned, the default template will not applied.

  • Every Jira workflow contains an Issue Created post-function by default. This is required for default templates to work and should not be removed. 

Enable/Disable Statuses on Checklists

Checklists can displayed simple checkboxes, or statuses. In Checklist for Jira Pro, this setting can override the option selected in global settings. Navigate to Project settings > Checklist for Jira. Use the dropdown make to select checkboxes, status or both. Note that the available statuses can be customized in the global settings.

Send Email Notifications for User Mentions Pro enterprise

Issue Checklist allows you to @mention users in checklist items. If you are using Checklist for Jira and enable the Send email notifications option, an email will be sent when a user is mentioned in a checklist item. The Send email notifications project setting will override the global setting.

Emails are sent when new items are added, when items are edited or when a template is applied to the issue. Email notifications are not sent if a user is mentioned while editing the checklist in the editor or through the Checklist Text custom field. Note that currently there is now way for an individual user to unsubscribe from checklist notifications.

To modify the email subject line, click into the text box and type the desired text. Click the checkmark to save your changes.




Show Checklist Always PRO ENTERPRise

Checklist for Jira allows you to control if visibility of the checklist UI in New Issue View. The Show Checklist Always setting for the project will be inherited from the global setting by default. Use the dropdown to override the global setting. If Enabled, the checklist UI will be shown on all issues in the project, even if the checklist is empty. If Disabled, empty checklists will be hidden. Old Issue View displays always displays the checklists, even if there are no items.






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