Troubleshooting Imports

Issue Checklist for Jira is now Checklist for Jira. New name, same great app. Please go here to see our new documentation site.

Troubleshooting Imports



Repeated Imports

The import is a gradual process. Checklist data will become available in the database and visible in the UI as it’s imported.

If you need to cancel and restart your import, be sure to enable the Clear previously imported data in Checklist for Jira Enterprise toggle.

If you are importing more than once, it is recommended that you enable the Clear previously imported data toggle. This means that current import will replace any

  • Global Checklists

  • Checklist items in Jira issues (global and local)

  • Checklist item statuses

created by the previous import.

Existing checklist items created in the destination instance, before the initial import, will not be impacted. They will be kept as part of a local checklist, separate from any imported local checklists.


We recommend waiting to work on checklists until the import is finalized. In case of doubts, please contact our support.

Validating Imports

  1. Look to see if the checklist UI is shown on the imported issues. If the UI is not shown, follow the instructions here.

  2. If the checklist UI is visible, but not populated with the checklist data, follow the instructions here to see if the checklist data imported correctly.

  3. If the checklist data imported correctly (populates the Checklist Text custom field), but is not populating the checklist UI, follow the instructions here.

No Checklist UI on Imported Issues

If Issue Checklist is installed on the target instance, but the Checklist UI is not shown on imported issues:

  1. Navigate to Jira Settings > Apps and select Global Settings for Issue Checklist.

  2. Toggle the Show checklist always (New Issue View) setting off and on again. This will trigger Jira to update issue entity properties and show the checklist.

  3. Return to an imported issue and refresh the issue. The checklist UI should be visible.

Unpopulated Checklist UI

If the checklist UI is visible but unpopulated on imported issues, verify that the checklist data was successfully imported:

  1. Temporarily add the Checklist Text field to the issue screen.

    1. Go to Project Settings > Screens.

    2. Click on the pencil icon for the appropriate issue type.

    3. Click on the name of the screen.

    4. Use the search bar at the bottom of the field list to add the Checklist Text field.

    5. Drag the field to the desired location.

  2. Verify that the Checklist Text field is populated on imported issues. If the Checklist Text field is not populated, then it means that the import process was not able to read it from the source file. Adjust the source file and repeat the import process.

  3. If the Checklist Text field is populated, navigate to Jira Settings > Apps and select Global Settings for Issue Checklist ensure that the Save local checklist items to Jira custom fields global setting is enabled, and refresh the issue. The checklist UI should be visible and populated.

  4. If the checklist UI is not populated, use the automation rule below to re-sync the Checklist Text field with Checklist UI.

Populated Checklist Text Field Not Syncing with Checklist on the UI

If the Checklist Text field is populated, but checklist items are not appearing in the Jira UI, then the import did not notify Issue Checklist that an update occurred. In this case, an automation rule can be used to update the issues and trigger Issue Checklist to re-sync with the Checklist text field:

  1. Ensure that the Save local checklist items to Jira custom fields global setting is enabled.

  2. Find and note the custom field ID of the Checklist Text field.

  3. Go to Project Settings > Automation and click Create rule.

  4. Create an automation rule:

    1. Trigger: Select Scheduled.(The scheduled time does not matter – the rule will be manually ran once and then disabled.) Check the Run a JQL search and execute actions for each issue in the query checkbox and enter an expression that returns the imported issues (ex: project = AK AND key > AK-10 AND key < AK-24 ).

    2. Action Edit issues, select Checklist Text as the field to be updated and enter (where 10039 is the custom field ID of the Checklist Text field.

      {{issue.customfield_10039}} ---
    3. Save and Run the rule.

    4. After confirming that the issues were updated, Disable the rule.


Duplicate Checklist Text Fields

If both the source and target Jira instances use Issue Checklist, then migrating data may create a second Checklist Text field which is not synced with Issue Checklist installation on the target Jira instance. An automation rule can be used to copy data from the imported Checklist Text field to the original (target) Checklist Text field:

  1. Ensure the Save local checklist items to Jira custom fields global setting is enabled.

  2. Change the name of the un-synced (imported) Checklist Text field so that you can easily distinguish between the two fields. To determine which Checklist Text field is the synced one:

    1. Add one of the fields to the View issue screen.

    2. Open an issue and add a new item to the checklist.

    3. Refresh the issue. If the content of the Checklist Text field updates to include the newly added checklist item, then it’s the field that synced that to Issue Checklist.

  3. Note the custom field IDs of the both the synced Checklist Text field and the renamed Checklist Text field created by the import.

  4. Go to Project Settings > Automation and click Create rule. Create the following rule.

    1. Trigger: Select Scheduled. (The scheduled time does not matter – the rule will be manually ran once and then disabled.) Check the Run a JQL search and execute actions for each issue in the query checkbox and enter an expression that returns the imported issues (ex: project = AK AND key > AK-10 AND key < AK-24 ).

    2. Action Edit issues, select Checklist Text as the field to be updated and enter (where 10042 is the custom field ID of the renamed/imported Checklist Text field):



    3. Save and Run the rule.

    4. After confirming that the issues were updated, Disable the rule.

    5. You may want to hide or delete the duplicate/imported Checklist Text field.



Finding Custom Field IDs


Contact our support team for further assistance.


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