
Issue Checklist for Jira is now Checklist for Jira. New name, same great app. Please go here to see our new documentation site.



You can contact us directly at support@herocoders.com or through our Service Desk portal

Administration & Performance

Does Issue Checklist support the renaming of the Jira Cloud URL?

Yes, we do support Jira URL change. No actions are necessary on the Issue Checklist side. All data is available automatically after the name change. 

Can the Issue Checklist slow down my Jira instance?

No. Issue Checklist is loaded in separate iframes inside the Jira page. This ensures security (iframe code cannot access the main page) and lets the browser load the content of the add-on asynchronously, without blocking the main page. The Jira issue will be fully responsive even if a Cloud add-on is not ready still loading or trying to render in the UI. Issue Checklist is written in React too and re-uses several components of the Atlassian UI components to provide the best client-side performance and user experience possible. 

Is there any way to reduce the notifications that are generated when the Checklist is updated?

If the Save checklist data to Jira custom fields global setting is enabled, then changes to the checklist will also be logged in the issue history and will generate a notification from Jira. If you would like the option to not have changes to have Custom Fields integration enabled, but not have changes to the checklist recorded in the Jira history and notifications section, please vote for this Atlassian issue.

Licensing & Purchasing

What is the difference between Pro and Free version?

There are no limits to the number of checklists, checklist items, or templates you can use with the Pro version of Issue Checklist. The free version has some limitations and minor feature differences. Please see this page for a detailed comparison of Issue Checklist Pro vs Issue Checklist Free.

How can I buy/purchase Issue Checklist Pro?

To purchase Issue Checklist Pro, navigate to Jira Settings > Apps > Find new apps. Use the search bar to find Issue Checklist Pro and click Start trial.

Atlassian is responsible for handling subscriptions and payments (vendors only set per-user price).

Payments will begin automatically once the trial ends (i.e. 30-60 days after Issue Checklist Pro was installed). Please direct any questions regarding payments or licensing to Atlassian Support at Atlassian Support .

How much (and for how many users) will I pay for with Issue Checklist Pro?

Atlassian is responsible for calculating the user count. It usually equals the number of users registered in the Jira instance (excluding Service Desk customers). 

To check the exact price, go to Jira settings > Apps > Find new apps. Use the search bar to find Issue Checklist Pro. The estimated cost will be shown just below the and click Start trial / Request app button.

Privacy & Security

Where can I find Privacy Policy, Security Statement and Terms of Use documents?

You can find these documents on our website:

What data is read, transferred and processed? 

  • Personal Data Issue Checklist does not read, transfer, or store any Personal Information (including user names and email addresses) outside of Jira outside of Jira by default, except for the IP address of the users interacting with checklists, which are automatically logged.

  • For notifications:

    • The encrypted user account ID is stored when @ mentions are used, and when the checklist history is tracked. The account ID is changed to the real user name in your browser in accordance with the Jira permissions granted in the project permissions settings. Hero coders does not see/access real user names.

    • If the Send email on mention option is enabled in Issue Checklist settings, the email address will be accessed (but not stored) each time a user is mentioned in the checklist item.

  • Sensitive Data – Issue Checklist and HeroCoders do not have access to any sensitive information such as credit card number or passwords.

  • Other Data – The only data stored on Issue Checklist servers is the IP address mentioned above, and the data entered into the Issue Checklist input fields. We do not store or transfer any sensitive or PII information. We also do not read or transfer any data from your issues or Jira (summary, description, etc.). 
    Data entered into the Issue Checklist UI as items or templates can be easily and instantly removed from our servers by using the Delete links and buttons in the UI.

  • Non-app Data – As with all paid Atlassian apps, HeroCoders' authorized staff has access to the email and name of the Issue Checklist Pro license owner.

Where is the checklist data stored? Is the data safe?

The checklist data is stored both on our servers and in Jira (as custom fields and entity properties).

  • On our Servers – Checklist data is stored on our servers in order to:

    • Overcome the 32kb limit storage limit of Jira custom fields and Jira entity properties

    • Ensure the checklist data is preserved if the custom field accidentally gets removed

    • Allow for custom permissions to control who can view, add, edit, toggle or delete the checklist items.
      To ensure the safety all data is encrypted both when in transit and when stored on our servers. The database has (provided by http://MongoDB.com ) has one primary node and two backup nodes and is backed up daily. Only authorized personnel can access the data and all systems are protected with two-factor authentication. Read more in our Security Statement.

  • In Jira Custom Fields – Checklist data is stored in Jira custom fields if the Save local checklist items to Jira custom fields global setting is enabled. This means that:

    • Every checklist action undertaken updates the Jira issue by saving the new value to the custom fields and adding an entry in the Jira issue history and notifications area.

    • Checklist data will also be stored in your Jira backup so you can safely backup data in accordance with your internal policies.

    • You can read and modify the checklist via the API by reading and modifying the text stored in the Jira custom fields. 

    • Checklists must fit into a 32kb field.

    If you don't accept any of the above, please disable the Save local checklist items to Jira custom fields global setting. This will mean that checklist data is only stored on our servers. 

  • Jira Entity Properties – Checklist meta-data is stored on Jira entity properties. This includes information such as how many items are in the checklist, whether or not all items are completed, etc. 

    Raw checklist items text is stored in entity properties to enable JQL search (as long as the custom View Checklist permission is not enabled). 

Why does Issue Checklist need "Administer the host application" permission?

The Administer the host application allows Issue Checklist to:

  • Write data to Jira custom fields even if the fields are not on the Edit Issue screen.

  • Update custom fields without sending notification emails saying that the issue has been updated.

The "Administer the host application" permission is not used when the Save checklist data to Jira custom fields global setting is disabled.

Please note that both Administer Confluence spaces, as well as Delete data from the host application are added by the Atlassian Marketplace automatically when the Administer the host application is requested. Issue Checklist does not request those permissions, does not access Confluence, and does not delete any Jira or Confluence data. 

What happens if I remove/uninstall the app?

If Issue Checklist is uninstalled, the checklist UI will no longer appear on Jira issues. If the Save local checklist items to Jira custom fields global setting was enabled when the app was in use, then checklist data will still be available in Checklist Text field. Adding the field to the screen will make checklist data visible on the issue.

The data also stays in the Issue Checklist external database for 90 days (as described in the Privacy Policy). After 90 days, the data is permanently deleted. If you re-install the within 90 days of the uninstallation, you the checklist data will still be available.

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