Clear Checklist on Transition Post Function

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Clear Checklist on Transition Post Function


This post function/rule can be used to remove local checklists from an issue. In Checklist for Jira ENTERPRISE, only Jira Admins can remove Global Checklists from issues by changing the context or deleting the Global Checklist.

Company-managed Projects

You can use the Clear Field Value post function to clear the checklist when the issue is transitioned:

  1. Ensure the Save local checklist items to Jira custom fields global setting is enabled.

  2. Navigate to Project Settings > Workflows

  3. Click the pencil icon to edit the workflow.

  4. Select Diagram mode and click on the transition where you want to add the post function.

  5. Click on Post Functions.

  6. Click Add post function.

  7. Select the Clear Field Value post function and click Add.

  8. Select the Checklist Text field and click Add.

  9. Click Publish draft to save the changes.

  10. Test the post function by transitioning an issue to the indicated status. The checklist will be removed.

Video Tutorial

Team-managed Projects

You can create a rule in a Team-managed project that will clear the local checklists when the issue is transitioned (similar to a post function in Company-managed projects).

To create the rule

  1. Ensure the Save local checklist items to Jira custom fields global setting is enabled.

  2. Navigate to Project settings > Issue types.

  3. Select the appropriate issue type. Use the Search all fields box to find the Checklist Text custom field and drag it to the appropriate place on the Issue layout. Click Save changes.

  4. Click on the Edit workflow button.


  5. Click Rule.

  6. Select Perform actions as the Rule type, and choose Update an issue field. Click Select.

  7. Select the appropriate transition.

  8. Choose Checklist text as the field, and enable the Clear this field toggle.

  9. Click Add.

  10. Click the Update workflow button to publish the rule.


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