On the page

Available properties

Issue Checklist sets the issue entity property checklist JSON object with the following fields/properties inside:

  "completed": false,
  "completedText": "Not Completed",
  "activeItems": 1,
  "allItems": 2,
  "hasActiveItems": true,
  "hasItems": true,
  "progressText": "Checklist: 1/2",
  "progressPercent": 50,
  "items": Item 1 Item 2

Example usage

Entity properties are read-only. If you change them on your own, it won't update the checklist and your change will be overwritten when the checklist changes in UI or in any other valid way (e.g. through API, custom fields, post function, Automation rule, etc.), 

Entity properties can be used in:

In Automation rules, issue entity properties can be accessed through the smart values feature, e.g. 


which, for example, you can next send to your Slack channel as explained in Automation docs.

Access all properties in Jira

A full list of entity properties can be accessed directly in Jira: