May 2024
My Work link in the Issue View for faster insights
Easily navigate from your Issue to My Work to see your week’s summary and fill in the time where necessary. My Work offers you 2 views where you can see and update your time:
in a Calendar
in a Timesheet
Drag’n’drop your worklogs or start a timer directly from the Calendar.
Check your Time Spent summary and fill in the gaps.
Report templates
You haven’t used reports yet? Use one of the templates to get started quickly and save it as your own report.
Export your Time Spent in your desired format
When using the Worklogs export, you can now select the format in which you want to see the Time Spent in your spreadsheet.
Select from:
Besides the HH:MM, all formats now allow you to easily sum up the time using the Time Spent in formulas.
Clockwork API changes
We’re moving Clockwork API out of the beta stage and introducing limits. Our API requests will now be limited to 10,000 workloads, and you’ll have access to a new offset parameter. If you're actively using it, you might need to implement some changes to make it work.
Starting in July, our Clockwork API will be available only in the Pro version.
You can expect more improvements in the Clockwork API in the near future.
Calendar grid improvements
We made the worklogs narrower and added a little hint on your cursor when you add a new worklog from the Calendar so that you can see what time your new worklog starts.
Copy worklog
Don’t waste your time creating worklogs from scratch and copy and adjust your worklogs directly in the Calendar.
Help panel
Need some help? Or do you want to help us improve Clockwork? Use our Help panel to:
easily access our docs
contact our wonderful Support Team
check out the latest release
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or leave a review in the marketplace
Improvements & Fixes
Issue selector required an extra click when you selected a filter in the Log Work dialog - now it opens straight away
Outliers and the comparison of worklogs didn’t respect holiday calendars and were showing incorrect highlights - this is now fixed
Reports can now be deleted only by the report owner or the Jira admin and not by everyone as it used to be
Quick Add in the issue view wasn’t saving the default worklogs attributes - now it does
Improved UI of Filters and Breakdowns
In some time zones, when using date filters, not all days from the selected range were displayed on the timesheet - this is now fixed