Creating Worklogs

In addition to using timers, Clockwork allows users to create worklogs manually.

Creating Worklogs from an Issue

As an alternative to using timers, users can create worklogs manually by clicking the + button on the Clockwork UI.

A dialog will open prompting the user to enter the time worked and optional details (description, worklog attributes, etc.).


Log work filters.png


Creating Worklogs from the Timesheet

Navigate to My Work > Timesheet. From your Timesheet, you can either add a worklog directly from an existing timesheet line by clicking on an entry or add a new line by selecting Add Worklog.

To add a worklog from an existing Timesheet line

  1. Navigate to the date you want to add the worklog and click on the time entry.


  2. The worklog dialog will pop up and the issue will be already selected.

  3. Enter the time worked and the other additional details (description, worklog attributes, etc.), if required, and save.


To add time to a new issue on the Timesheet

  1. Click on the Add Worklog button in the top right corner.

  2. The worklog dialog will pop up.

  3. Type in the name of the issue in the Select issue field or use the filters at the top to find the issue you want to log time to, then select it from the drop-down (filters are only available in the Pro version).

  4. Fill in additional details (description, worklog attributes, etc.) in the dialog and save.



Creating Worklogs from the Calendar

This feature is only available in Clockwork Pro.

In Clockwork Pro, users can also create worklogs by clicking on the appropriate day/time slots in the Calendar View:

  1. Navigate to Apps > Clockwork > My Work and select the Calendar tab.


  2. Click and drag on the appropriate date/time slot.

  3. Type in the name of the issue in the ‘Select issue’ field or use the filters to find the issue you want to log time to, then select it from the drop-down.




  1. Enter additional details (description, worklog attributes, etc.) in the dialog.

Tip: Note that if a worklog is created for the incorrect date/time, it can be dragged to the correct time slot.

Google Calendar Integration

You can integrate your Google Calendar with Clockwork to show scheduled events on the calendar view of your Clockwork timesheet.

  1. To create a worklog, navigate to Apps > Clockwork > My Work and select the Calendar tab.

  2. Click on the Google Calendar icon in the upper right corner to sign in with Google - you will see a pop-up from Google stating that wants to access your Google calendar. Click the checkbox for View events on all your calendars.


  3. The icon will be colored when events are shown, and grayscale when events are hidden.

  4. Events from a Google calendar will be presented with a darker blue color.

To log time on a calendar event:

  1. Click on the appropriate event in the Clockwork calendar.

  2. Select the Jira issues from the dropdown, or type in the issue key.

  3. The worklog dialog will open with the date and time fields pre-populated from the calendar event. Complete any other required fields.

  4. Click Save.


Outlook Calendar integration

You can integrate your Outlook Calendar with Clockwork to show scheduled events on the calendar view of your Clockwork timesheet.

  1. To create a worklog, navigate to Apps > Clockwork > My Work and select the Calendar tab.

  2. Click on the Outlook Calendar icon in the upper right corner to sign in with Outlook - you will see a pop-up asking you to pick an Outlook account and enter your password to connect your calendars.


  1. The calendar icon will be colored when events are shown, and grayscale when events are hidden.

  2. Events from the Outlook calendar will be presented with a lighter blue color.

To log time on a calendar event:

  1. Click on the appropriate event in the Clockwork calendar.

  2. Select the Jira issues from the dropdown, or type in the issue key.

  3. The worklog dialog will open with the date and time fields pre-populated from the calendar event. Complete any other required fields.

  4. Click Save.

Add repeatable worklogs

This feature is only available in Clockwork Pro.

To add a series of identical worklogs across multiple days:

  1. Open the log work dialog as usual.

  2. Fill in the time and other required details.

  3. Click on More options (Beta).

  4. Toggle on the Repeat this worklog option and select the appropriate interval (daily or weekly).

  5. Select the end date when the worklog will cease to be repeated.

  6. Click Save.

Once you save the worklog, the info panel will show the number of worklogs to be created.



Log Work dialog filters

To quickly find issues you want to add your time to, filter for Projects, Assignees, or Starred Items!

Previously selected filters remain selected when you open the Log Work dialog after some time.
You can always adjust it or keep your saved filters of:

  • projects you currently work on,

  • your currently assigned tasks or tasks assigned to one of your colleagues you work with

  • starred issues

  • internal tasks, like meetings or admin



Starring your issues as favorites

If you want an issue to be saved as your favorite and appear in the Starred filter:

  • Start typing the name of the issue

  • Mark the star on the right of the issue

  • The issue will appear in your Starred filter

Now, every time you just click on the Starred filter in the worklog dialog in every Clockwork view (Issue, Timesheet, Calendar), you’ll be able to select an issue from your starred items.

To remove an item from your favorites, just click on the search and unclick the star.


Time Formats

Clockwork accepts the following time formats:

  • 1:15 for one hour and 15 minutes

  • 1h 15m for one hour and 15 minutes

  • 1.25 for one hour and 15 minutes

  • 1h for one hour

  • 1.0 for one hour

  • 15m for 15 minutes

  • 15 for 15 minutes

  • 0.25 for 15 minutes


Time Remaining

When you manually create a worklog, you can add Remaining Time. This allows you to show an estimate of how much time will be needed to resolve the issue. Whenever work is logged on the issue, the remaining time will be recalculated.



The Remaining Time estimate can be manually changed when creating new worklogs or editing an existing worklog.