Customer View: checklist items and checklist progress, visible to Jira Service Management customers, is a Pro feature (it is disabled in Issue Checklist Free). Read more

Agent view: Jira Service Management agents can see and work with the checklist in the same way as in other types of Jira projects (checklist must be enabled in the project). 

Show checklist to Jira Service Management customers:

Checklist progress

Default visibility of Checklist progress for Jira Service Management clients can be set on the Project settings > Issue Checklist page as presented below:

When enabled, the progress of the checklist (according to the checklist completion in an agent's view) will be visible by default for Jira Service Management customers:

Customer view  Agent view

This setting can be overridden via the checklist's menu, so agents can show or hide progress for each JSM request individually:

The checklist progress bar is not visible for an empty checklist. 

Checklist items (read-only)

Default visibility of Checklist items for Jira Service Management customer view can be set on the Project settings > Issue Checklist page as presented below:


When enabled, the read-only checklist items and progress bar (same as the list of items in an agent's view) will be visible by default for Jira Service Management customers:

Customer view  Agent view

The checklist panel (progress bar) is not visible for an empty checklist. 

This setting can be overridden via the checklist's menu, so agents can show or hide checklist items for each JSM request individually: