This case applies to migrations executed through the Jira Cloud Migration Assistant
There is a specific edge case in which a Global Checklist’s context, the issue types and projects to which it applies, is changed after a second migration from the same origin is started towards the same cloud site but canceled before it finishes.
This is because we have an anti-duplicates mechanism in place that allows merging the context from a server checklist definition into a single Global Checklist in case a migration with an n number of projects is done first, and subsequent migrations are done later with other projects in which the same server checklist definition is present.
In order to mitigate this issue, we advise customers to:
Contact support before canceling a JCMA migration process if problems are encountered or the migration process takes hours between steps
Select all existing projects of the Server/DC instance which are in the context of the same checklist definition and migrate them in one go instead of multiple migrations