Custom fields

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Custom fields

Custom fields integration / synchronisation can be enabled by toggling the Save checklist data to Jira custom fields option.

When enabled, checklist items data are stored and synchronised automatically with Jira custom fields: Checklist Text (always) and Checklist Content YAML (only default checklist and only if multiple checklists are disabled).

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Jira multiline custom field can hold up to 32,767 characters. If you store very large checklists than data might not fit entirely into custom field and sync won't work as expected. 

Every Jira workflow contains an "Issue Created" or "Generic Event" post-function by default. These post functions are required by the custom fields integration to work correctly and you should not remove them. 

Every Jira field configuration contains all custom fields by default. Checklist Content YAML and Checklist Text custom fields must be present in the field configuration so the checklist works correctly and you should not remove them. 

Please note that you can show or hide fields from the view using Jira screens configuration which does not affect checklist functionality. 

If you are still using the old custom fields, created and configured manually by Jira administrator, then please follow our migration guide to start using new fields.

Custom fields

Issue Checklist delivers the following custom fields. They are created automatically when the Issue Checklist is installed and they stay in sync with checklist content.

FieldDescription "Save checklist data to Jira custom fields" must be enabled? Works in Next-Gen (team-managed) projects
Checklist Progress

Shows a number of completed checklist items versus the total number of items in the checklist, e.g. "4/5"

Checklist Progress %

Shows a number of completed checklist items versus the total number of items in the checklist, e.g. "33"

Checklist Completed

Used for flexible blocking workflow transition using regular expressions.
For simple use cases, the built-in validator is more suitable. 

Checklist Content YAML (deprecated)

Deprecation notice: this field stores only items from the default checklist and is ignored if multiple checklists are enabled. Use Checklist Text instead.

Stores default checklist items and can be used for various purposes, e.g. REST calls, advanced JQL search, migrating checklists between Jira sites or importing checklist data from Trello or CSV. Manipulation of this field requires YAML support.

Checklist TextStores all checklists and all items and can be used for various purposes, e.g. show checklist on Issue Create screenREST calls, advanced JQL search, migrating checklists between Jira sites or importing checklist data from Trello or CSV. Its content is more user-friendly than YAML.YesNo
Checklist TemplateStores list of templates along with items for each template. Selecting a value for that field on a given Jira issue applies the selected template to the issue. NoYes

Added functionality

Custom fields extend Issue Checklist functionality and provide more tight integration with Jira.

Here is the (almost) full list of additional features and integrations provided by custom fields:

FeatureDescription "Save checklist data to Jira custom fields"
must be enabled?
Show checklist progressShow progress in the form of 4/5 or 66% on Agile board cards or Search resultNo
Block issue transition using regular expression

Block transition (e.g. Resolve) if all or some checklist items are not completed.

Please note that with the option Save checklist data to Jira custom fields disabled it is still possible to block transition until all checklist items are completed using the built-in validator.

Yes (no for built-in validator

REST API support

Possibility to read and modify checklist content through Jira REST API (HTTP call).Yes

Extended automation support

Integration with automation add-ons like CLIScript RunnerAutomation and lots of others.


Integration with Changelog, History and Activity Stream as well as Notifications

Any change to the checklist is tracked in History, All and Activity Stream tabs for an issue as well as user Notifications area.Yes
Flexible/Advanced search

Possibility to search for particular checklist items checked or unchecked.

Please note that with the option Save checklist data to Jira custom fields disabled it is still possible to use various built-in search queries.

Yes (no for built-in search queries)
Issue Create support

Possibility to add checklist content manually by typing on the Issue Create form.

Please note there is also a default checklist feature that does not require enabled option Save checklist data to Jira custom fields.

Yes (no for default checklist)
Issue Edit supportPossibility to change checklist content manually by typing on the Issue Edit form.Yes
Bulk Edit supportPossibility to apply the checklist to a custom list of issues (e.g. selected with JQL search)Yes
Export checklist dataPossibility to retrieve a single issue checklist items as well as the entire project or JIRA instance in YAML or Text custom fields. Yes
Import checklist dataPossibility to import checklist with Jira issue from Jira backup, CSV file or via REST APIYes

Can't find the feature you are looking for? Let us know. It might be available, but not yet on the list. 

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