Clockwork time logged validator

Clockwork time logged validator is available only for Pro customers. For Clockwork Free version you might want to check Jira native mechanisms.

Clockwork time logged validator works only for Company-managed projects (formerly known as classic). Team-managed projects (formerly next-gen) are not supported.

You may want to enforce a rule that time spent is logged in before moving issue to another status - no matter if entered manually, automatically via a Clockwork Timer or with an API call. This page will show you how to achieve that enforcement using Clockwork provided validator.

Clockwork time logged validation setup

Setting up consists of two step:

  • one is to add validator in your Jira project workflow

  • second is to enable validation in Clockwork app (per project)

Configuring Jira workflow

Navigate to your Jira project → Settings → Workflows. Edit your workflow(s). Pick the transition(s) for which you want to add validation:

And then add Clockwork time logged validator:

Remember to publish your workflow draft before continuing with the next step.

Configuring Clockwork

Navigate to your Jira project → Settings → Clockwork → Time Tracking. Enable and save Time is logged validation checkbox there:

That’s all, from this moment any issue status change will require to have a new time logged entry.

Note on disabling validation

You need to first remove validation from your Jira project workflow. If you start with disabling Time is logged validation in Clockwork setting, you might end with issues out of sync (meaning i.e. that they will be blocked from transitioning indifinitely)


  1. Clockwork time logged validator does not take into account historical worklog entries - for issues with existing worklogs you will have to update existing worklog (or create a new one) to trigger recalculation of Clockwork validation state.

  2. By no way Clockwork time logged validator can guarantee that the time was really logged in. Due to the architecture of Jira Cloud, network latency, Atlassian incidents, etc. - validation status will never be 100% accurate. Although for a common usage it is reliable enough, keep in mind that occasional violations might occur.