Single line checklist item as well as multiline description can contain selected Markdown elements. See below for supported Markdown syntax.
Except for Markdown, Issue Checklist supports other advanced formatting elements like description, user mentions, due dates, and issue keys that will be automatically linked to issues, etc.
Markdown formatting
To bold text, add two asterisk or underscore characters before and after a word or phrase, e.g.,
Markdown text | Rendered output |
I love **bold text**. | I love bold text. |
I love __bold text__. | I love bold text. |
To italic text, add one asterisk or underscore character before and after a word or phrase, e.g.,
Markdown text | Rendered output |
I love *italic text*. | I love italic text. |
I love _italic text_. | I love italic text. |
To strikethrough text, add two tilde characters before and after a word or phrase, e.g.,
Markdown text | Rendered output |
I love ~~strikethrough text~~. | I love |
Inline code
To style text as inline code, add back-tick characters before and after a word or phrase, e.g.,
Markdown text | Rendered output |
I type `inline code`. | I type inline code . |
To create a link:
- add URL directly into the text, or
- enclose the link text in brackets e.g.,
[Issue Checklist]
and then follow it immediately with the URL in parentheses e.g., (
Markdown text | Rendered output |
I love | I love |
I love [Issue Checklist]( | I love Issue Checklist. |
Emails @
To create an email link:
- add the email address directly into text, or
- enclose the link text in brackets e.g., [Contact us] and then follow it immediately with a mailto data (this way you can specify email subject too):
Markdown text | Rendered output |
Contact us at | Contact us at |
| Contact us |
Markdown escaping
It is possible to display Markdown formatting character by escaping it with the backslash \ character like demonstrated below.
Markdown text | Rendered output |
Escaped \_italic\_ formatting | Escaped _italic_ formatting |
Escaped \_italic_ formatting | Escaped _italic_ formatting |
Escaped \**bold\** formatting | Escaped **bold** formatting |
Escaped \**bold** formatting | Escaped **bold** formatting |
Escaped \*\*bold\*\* formatting | Escaped **bold** formatting |
Escaped \**bold\\** formatting containing backslash | Escaped **bold\** formatting containing backslash |
Escaped \`inline code\` formatting | Escaped `inline code` formatting |
Escaped back-tick \` character | Escaped back-tick ` character |
Standard text with \ backslash | Standard text with \ backslash |
Please note that in the column Rendered output:
- formatting is not applied due to backslash \ usage
- backslash \ is not displayed when it is used to escape Markdown
- double backslash allows to display a single backslash inside Markdown formatted phrase
- backslash behaves like a normal character when used outside Markdown formatted phrase